Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan and Workout Routine

By | July 29, 2022

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan and Workout Routine: The teaser for Lord Of Rings: the rings of power just dropped a couple of days ago and the media is flowing with reviews, speculations, and praises for the Prime series. It features Benjamin Walker and Nazanin Boniadi in lead roles and both of them are making us keep our hopes high. In this post, we will trace the fitness and diet regime of classic middle East brunette beauty Nazanin Boniadi who is also as classy in her personality.

Nazanin Boniadi is also an activist for human rights in Iran where she was born. Not just beautiful, she is also highly passionate about the current situation in the world order and lends her voice to causes that she considers pressing. Overall, a true inspiration. check out Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine and Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan in detail.

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan and Workout Routine


Nazanin Boniadi Body Stats

Height 5 feet 3 Inches
Weight 52 kgs
Age 42 years
Shoulders 30 inches
Waist 30 inches

 Also Read: Markella Kavenagh Diet Plan and Workout Routine


Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine

Nazanin carries a pretty toned body at the age of 42 years that seems to defy the aging process.  Her body is lean and she has a good amount of muscles in her biceps and limb in general. Nazanin Boniadi is pretty fit overall, engages herself in workouts pretty often, and shares videos of her sessions with around 300 k followers she has on Instagram.


Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine

Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine

Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine includes,

Active Lifestyle

Nazanin keeps herself active throughout the day and regularly involves movements as a part of her day.  Her exercises are not specifically planned but she leans towards meditation exercises, cardio, and outdoor activities on a regular basis.



Push Ups are not very popular among women but Nazanin gives them the space that they deserve in her workout routine. Pushups for women are harder since they have less upper body muscle mass as compared to men. But it’s extremely beneficial for women in the sense that it tones your arms, core, shoulders, and chest and increases overall body strength.


Mountain Climbers

Nazanin recently dropped a gym video of herself doing mountain climbers on Instagram. This exercise is good for heart health and engages a group of muscles and improves mobility. You can start with 10-15 Mountain Climbers in a set and go up to 25 per set.


Squats and Lunges

Nazanin has a highly toned lower body and she takes care of her overall body through popular toning exercises like Squats and Lunges. Lunges work on your core stability and balance while improving your functionality and promoting spinal health. Squats tone your legs, strengthen your core and increase athleticism. You can start with 3 sets of 10-12 reps of lunges per leg. For squats, go for 3-4 sets of similar reps.


Resistance Bands

Nazanin also uses resistance band training in her workout sessions. She uses them for glutes Walk,  bicep curl and tricep extension, and other back targeting exercises. These are cost-effective highly adaptable equipment that you can invest in.



Yoga is a proven method of achieving and maintaining ultimate bliss in life that is unfettered by outside events. Just like everybody else, Nazanin also gets overwhelmed from time to time and that’s when she devotes herself more to her yogic practices. In an Instagram post, Nazanin revealed the impact yoga and mindfulness had in deeping self-compassion and her overall health.

Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine

Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine



Now, this is not quite an exercise but a compound practice that has tremendous benefits for your physical body too, besides being absolutely medicinal for the mind and soul. Nazanin knows this and she thus involves herself in meditative practices as often as she can or needs to. Research suggests that people who meditate are at lower risk of developing chronic diseases which makes them more manageable in people who have developed any chronic health condition already.

So you can also try to include meditation into your routine.



This is the outdoor activity that Nazanin seems to really enjoy. Hiking is a cardio exercise and it also strengthens your bones and improves overall stability. Maybe it’s time to book a hiking ticket for yourself just for the sake of adventure.

This is all about Nazanin Boniadi Workout Routine.

Also Read: Robert Aramayo Workout Routine and Diet Plan 


Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan

To say the least, Nazanin’s diet plan is clean but it has that adequate dose of taste that one needs to stick to healthy foods. Additionally, she is not too strict with her diet and enjoys her dessert a lot.

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan


Is Nazanin Boniadi Vegan?

Yes, Nazanin Boniadi is Vegan and she has a completely plant-based diet.

But she also tries to balance it by avoiding refined sugar and caffeine when she can. Thus it’s a fine balance. In an interview Nazanin said “I have a deep love for chocolate and sugar. But realistically, I like foods that are both tasty, healthy and don’t deplete my energy,” said the actress. “So I like to eat low-glycemic, alkaline, organic foods whenever possible. It’s fun to discover new ways of preparing flavorful dishes that, ideally, also have health benefits.”

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan

Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan includes:

  • Almond Milk Smoothies
  • Reishi
  • Cordyceps for energy
  • Fruits
  • Plant-based protein
  • Hydrolyzed collagen powder for skin, hair, and joint benefits.
  • Salads.

This is all about Nazanin Boniadi Diet Plan.
Also Read: Oscar Isaac Workout Routine and Diet Plan | Fitness Training for star wars the rise of skywalker

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